“I don’t believe I can really do without teaching. The reason is, I have to have something so that when I don’t have any ideas and I’m not getting anywhere I can say to myself, “At least I’m living; at least I’m doing something; I am making some contribution – it’s just psychological.” - Richard Feynman
Git: Taught to freshly hired software programmers, interns, senior programmers and academicians who care! No notes or presentations are available as I use a board for these lectures. I strongly believe Git is one of those tools where it is hard to make progress without understanding the internals. So, I use the board to illustrate what changes happen internally due to each command.
Python Programming: Taught Python to M.Sc. / Ph.D. students at various workshops. The resources used by me in these workshops are available on the Resources page.
Data Modelling : A short 5 hour course taught to visiting students. Topics covered: Basics of data modelling, principle of maximum likelihood, Chi-square statistics, error estimation using properties of chi-square, methods of minimizing chi-square. Recently attempted to summarize the 5 hour course in a one hour seminar.
IRAF: Lab sessions covering the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF), a software suite frequently used by optical astronomers. I’ve taught this as a four hour lab session to many batches of students at various workshops. Topics frequently covered: the IRAF interface, quick photometry of stars, isophotal modelling of galaxies, basic image reduction / processing. Some of my resources are available on the Resources page.
Virtual Observatory: Basics of VO, use cases etc.
For various reasons, a Ph.D. student does not get to be a sole guide or supervisor to B.Sc / M.Sc. students and thus for almost all projects listed below, I’ve have played formally the role of a co-supervisor. But I’ve only listed projects where my contributions have been substantial.
“Galaxy Surface Photometry” by Kamalika Nath, IIT Kanpur, Indian Academy of Science Fellowship Project
“Application of Virtual Observatory Tools” by Essna Ghose, Fergusson College - B.Sc. Final Year Project
“Study of Galaxy Structure Using Isophote Fitting Technique” by Parita Mehta, Mumbai University, IUCAA Vacation Student Programme project
“Study Of Correlation Between Properties Of Galaxies And Their Supermassive Blackholes Using Mid-infrared Imaging Techniques” by Michelle George, Manipal Institute of Technology, BTech Final Year Project
“Study of Isophotal Shapes of Galaxies” by Sanya Matta, Delhi University, IUCAA Vacation Student Programme Project
"The Dust Content in S0 Galaxies" by Prerak Garg, Pune University, MSc Final Year Project
"Estimating the Distance to Star Clusters Using Photometry" by Aarya Patil, Pune Institute of Computer Technology
"Light Curve Analysis and Visualization" by Kunal Gulati, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune