Punctuality for Dummies

Tuesday, 11 June, 2019

What is punctuality?

1. the quality or state of being punctual.
2. strict observance in keeping engagements; promptness.

In case that is hard to understand, let us look at some examples to understand this better. Say you are told that a lecture is scheduled at 10.00 AM on a certain day, it means the lecture will start on the same day exactly at the same time! Okay, another example. If you have told someone that you are going to be at their place by 7.30 PM for dinner, it means that when a standard clock shows this time, your body has to be at that place at that time. Suppose you have a work conference scheduled at 11.30 AM on a given day, punctuality demands that you start discussing the conference agenda at that exact time on the given day.

But wait, you say! We are not machines, we err. This means that exactness is not always possible to achieve. Okay, you are right. But a minute here and there is generally never a problem unless of course life and death are at stake.

How to be punctual?

Obviously, if a time has been decided for an activity, one must start that activity at that time with a reasonable error margin. But let us take this simple sentence and dissect it a little bit. Because you don't need to be a seasoned professional to be able to give the above answer to that question. Most people (at least who I know) can do that. But there are implications in this simple answer which we need to explore further.

For an activity to be started at the defined time, several things are needed.

Okay, let us consider the first requirement. How can we fulfill that? Now this is the hardest part. By reaching the venue a few minutes in advance. Wait! This seems like a contradiction - you just said punctuality is all about being exact in time. No no no! Please! Try to understand. The activity should ideally begin at the exact time. Activity requires people. People should be present therefore at the time of beginning the activity which means that people need to be reach before the scheduled time. Okay?

Now, consider the second requirement. All the arrangements should be done in advance. Is it a barbeque party? Then the grill should be in place, the coal should be in place etc. Is it a conference? Then the projectors should be connected, the audio system should be in place, the podium should be arranged and more. Why? Because if you need any of this to start your activity and these are not in place, then you need to start arranging these things before you can start the activity. And guess what, arranging things takes time. This means that by the time you can make the arrangements and start the activity, the time when the activity should have started is already way behind. This in turn means ... yes, you lost your chance to be punctual! Not hard, isn't it?

Why Punctuality Matters?

Now, this is very hard to understand. You see, the world is not made up of you and you alone. Think about it for a minute. Yes! There are other people in the world too. And guess what, they have their own things to do and places to be and goals to realize. Some of these goals are common to you which is why they gave you some time you agreed upon. When you don't honor that, chances are high that other things they wish to do, get compromised. And if you are someone with goals, chances are that your other activities too will be compromised.

What if the activity can start without me? Then I don't really need to be punctual, do I? Well, no!

Tools and Techniques to be Punctual

Let us consider some tools.

A Watch: Yes, you know - the things that tells time and whose price is decided by the word inscribed on it? (More money for the word 'Rolex', for example.) Oh, you thought it was a fashion statement? Ah, can't blame you - after all that is how they are advertised these days. It may come as a shock to you but this device's primary purpose is to tell you the time.

Electronic Calendar: Remember the Calendar icon amidst all those icons you tap on your smartphone which you use to shop, chat, date and play? Well, that is an electronic calendar. You can record your scheduled events / activities on it and the app will give you a warning when the activity is about to begin. And guess what, it is possible to tell that app to give you a reminder 10 minutes in advance, half an hour in advance and also a day in advance. So, the more the arrangements and preparation you need to do, the more advanced a warning that app can be set by you, to give.

Whiteboard or Paper Sheets or Diary: As long as you keep your schedule written on any of these devices and promise to consult them all the time OR keep them in a location where they are always visible, you can always keep track of where you need to be and how well do you need to plan in order to be punctually present for them.


Now for some simple techniques!

Consult Your Tools Before Committing: Surprise! The tools that tell you when something you are participating in, happens, can also tell you indirectly that you shouldn't commit to doing anything else during that time. If you are scheduled to be at a bar with your friends, you obviously cannot commit to attend another birthday party happening elsewhere, can you?

Understand Margins: Margins are not that hard to understand. The earliest example of a margin is your school notebook. You keep a space in the paper empty and you decide not to write in that space. This is called a margin. Why do we need it? Because if someone like your teacher had to make comments they would need some space to write them! Or maybe you yourself would need some space for corrections and comments. In keeping time, a margin allows you to transit from one place or mode to another. You cannot keep an hour long meeting from 11.00 to 12.00 in place A and keep another meeting from 12.00 to 12.30 in place B when it takes 15 minutes to walk from A to B. You should have, for example, scheduled your 12.00 meeting 12.15 or maybe even 12.20 so that you could walk the 15 minutes and even relax 5 minutes before jumping in!

Introspect: If you failed to be punctual, find out what went wrong. It doesn't take too much time. At the end you can identify the things that were under your control but you failed to control them properly. Next time, you will become better at keeping time and being punctual.


Punctuality matters! Punctuality is not hard! Punctuality makes the world a better place! Punctuality makes people like you and take you seriously. You can be punctual too!
