Lost in Words

Thursday, 29 April, 2010

I think the theme of this post is not going to be really new. Those of you who have read the post "The Source of Knowledge" would find this article somehow exploring similar subjects. For those of you who have not, let me briefly summarize it by saying that the primary argument of that article was that a broad minded journey through the ocean of life itself will be a very rich source of knowledge. Not only will it be a rich source of knowledge but it will not have an equal. I try to argue that a man must not isolate himself into the world of books but go beyond books and explore the various facets of life if he truly wants to enrich his knowledge. To me, at least, the topic itself is so interesting that I can't but help divert a casual discussion on life onto this topic. I have met the most brilliant of people who can quote from so many books, none of which I would have even heard of. But a second thought makes me realize that the ideas have always been around for ages. How could they not be? They did not come out of nowhere. They came from a common occurence in life. But authors are known for their ability to translate a common experience of the human life into a rich collection of words that set them apart and also make the common experience appear uncommon.

How simple thinking can be a complete failure is a fact that just does not cease to amaze me. The simple thought that I am talking about is this: if someone knows something then he or she is best prepared to handle any experiences in life that come their way that requires one to have the knowledge of that something. A simple and a a reasonable argument, don't you think? I thought too! But it turns out, at least to me, that it is not. Just because you read about death, it does not prepare you to face the loss of a near one. Just because you have read about someone's struggle against all odds to come up in life does not exactly prepare you to smoothly struggle against your own demons. It somehow just does not work that way. A man's accumulated knowledge can easily go for a toss when he finds himself into the deepest of waters of trouble. How easy it is for one to say, "Have faith in yourself! You will pull through!" Somewhere, something you heard or saw or read is perpahs making you say all this to the weeping friend sitting in front of you. But can you say this to yourself when the your time changes for the worse?

All words and thoughts are but maps while all first hand experiences are the territory. This perhaps will sum up the above thoughts. Not only is it about day to day life and about your personal experiences but it is also about religion and philosophy. People are making careers out of stage shows in which they use intellect and logic alone to argue in favor of their faith. It can be a different topic that the application of logic and intellect can also be subject to prejudice but let us leave it at that. How did ever religion get mixed up with stage shows and logic snob?! Here is another one of those simple thoughts that never showed life in it! Religion is a man's personal journey. Anyway, the point regarding religion and philosophy is they seem to have become all intellectual endeavours. People read day in and day out and discuss over drinks the subtle meanings of words. But nobody seems to be walking the path! They are lost in words. Hopelessly and completely! Their faith might tell them to do this and that but they are not bothered. They are more interested in flinging words and trying to prove their point!

Who are you anyway? Are you a man of X faith which teaches you to be this and that? Then, why are you so lost in words and living under the illusion that the study of the words is the study your faith's teachings? Why in the world are you not practising what your faith is asking you to practise? Why don't you let the actions speak for themselves because last I heard they apparently speak louder than words? Why do you spend all your energies losing yourself in a maze of words doing nothing but justifying your faith but all the while never following it? Are you then an atheist who has faith in himself? Why you are then, sir, so lost in your words which desperately try to justify your path of atheism? Why don't you go onwards on your path and do what you believe? What are you going to get spending time day in and day out indulging in exchange of words? What are you going to get by coming up with a clever argument that for a moment has you smiling? How is it going to change anything? How is it going to make you better? You will remain the same or maybe become worse because of pride and poison but never become better!

At this point in typing all this out, I am now at a loss of words as to what I should say! I can't be sure but I guess the mind today seems to find some kind of happiness in words and word play. My two cents - it is better for the mind to create its own words from that rich source of knowledge called life rather than to play and be lost in words.
