The End of Logic

Saturday, 30 May, 2009

The power of logic is beyond doubt. There cannot be any doubt that the power of reasoning and logic have always given mankind huge amount of power. Power so much that he now controls the fate of his world with a couple of buttons. Yes, one button and the whole world can be destroyed! If nature chooses to destroy someone, mark the end of his life, a couple of hours of precise work and a man is able to reverse the effect thanks to the modern technology of medicine. A man does not have to think twice before he steps out of his house and ventures on some crazy adventure because he is hardly alone. He is able to carry a certain device, a brain child of modern technology, which enables to him to stay in touch with the rest of the world no matter how far he chooses to venture away from home and for that matter civilization. But this power of reasoning that man has used all this time in order to increase his powers and influence is so limited!

How far has reasoning taken man when it comes to the questions of his own life? When a man stops thinking about how he can achieve a certain material based benefit and starts to ponder over tougher questions like life itself, we begin to see the end of reason. The power of reasoning and logic fail miserably, isn't it? Each man is taught by the world that his existence is temporary. There will be an end to his life. There will come a time when he will pass away and make way for the future generations. So, why does a man live? Why does a man lead such an entangled life as if he is going to live forever. He thirsts and desires for wealth and power in his life in spite of knowing that none if it will be useful when death will stare into his face. He knows that no matter how powerful medicine becomes, we still do not have a reply that we can give to the angel of death when he knocks that fateful knock!

Fine, death is always assumed to be far away from us. Let us talk about life. How much is logic important in driving us onwards in life itself? How much? You cannot predict death and yet with the hope that there will be a tomorrow, you do something today. What is hope? You need love of your friends and family and several a people who have tried to run away from love or denied love have suffered so much misery! What is love and what is misery? Mistakes are an eventual part of life! Same is the case with repeating mistakes. In our day to day relationships, we repeat mistakes often, cause someone to feel hurt and yet we find it in ourselves to forgive and forget! What is hurt? What is forgiveness? Even the people who study logic study it because they feel passionate about studying logic! What is passion? And as we ponder over the issues of lfie, we are eventually led to the questions of death. Death is like the other side of the coin, one side being life. Both are inseparable!

Why do we procreate? When the eventual fate of the offspring and yourself is death, why do we procreate? When there are a hundred examples of how miserable our existence is, why do we keep hoping for something good and move forward? Again, we do not know for sure what is hope and misery! But do we even know what is good? Can logic give us the answer as to what is good and what is bad? Can logic explain the craziness of a mother's love for her child, a lover yearning for the love of his love? There are many more questions that one can ask only if he breaks away from the mechanical existence of his life and think for some time. I have similar questions! There is something called instinct. I don't know what is and the best I can talk about it is that is a word that describes the process of decisions coming out from the void, the wherabouts of this void being unknown. I see life as being driven by instinct. And when we begin to question instinct, I believe we reach the end of logic!
