Blogging With Flask

Sunday, 23 February, 2020


Do you own your blog? If you have posted your blog on LinkedIn, Blogspot, Wordpress, Medium and the likes - I'd argue you don't fully own your blog! To me personally, ownership means many things

How do you achieve this? Well, it's not really hard if you already know how to write HTML and CSS. You just generate pages after pages in HTML and host them wherever you want to host them! But that is not efficient for a number of reasons:

What's the solution? If you knew a tool like Django or Flask (a web application framework) you could write simple programs to generate these pages in a more efficient manner. But if you want to host these applications in the public domain, you need a hosting service and that costs money! What if you could ask your web application framework to generate a static set of HTML pages that you could put anywhere you wanted? That's the best of both worlds - that's what Flask Frozen does. And if you want the liberating experience of writing a blog that you completely own and are willing to pay a little bit of price in terms of learning some new tech for it - you are reading the right tutorial!

NOTE: The working source code for this entire tutorial is available at the following Github repository.

Setting Up

Let's do the usual thing of creating a separate folder for our project and initialize our own virtual environment in it.

mkdir flask-blog-tutorial
cd flask-blog-tutorial
python3 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
pip install flask frozen-flask flask-flatpages

Just to clarify, we have installed three main packages in our new virtual environment

Next, we are going to make two folders - one for our 'static' content - this includes any CSS files, images, JavaScript files and anything else that does not change; the other for our 'templates' which are blueprints for manufacturing our final pages.

mkdir templates
mkdir static

Basic Flask Application Setup

Here is the basic philosophy of desiging a flask application in a super condensed form.

Simple enough? Let's do this. Open a file called and add the following code in it.

import sys

from flask import Flask, render_template

DEBUG = True

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')'', port=5001)

What's happening here? We have done exactly what we mentioned in the basic philosophy of how Flask works. The @app.route() decorator is binding the function index() to the root URL /. And it will create a page using index.html which we are yet to define.

Since the template files don't exist, the above code cannot work. Let's fix this. Inside the templates directory we created earlier, create a new file called base.html and write the following in it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title> My Flask Blog</title>
    <h1> My Common Header</h1>

  {% block content %}

  {% endblock %}


This is your standard HTML syntax - nothing new here except for the {% block content %} and {% endblock %} tags. This is part of the Jinja2 template syntax which essentially is a way of saying "this is a block called 'content' and we are going to replace it in the future with something else". This will become clear immediately below.

Now, create another file called index.html. And place the following content in it.

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}

<p> Welcome to my blog! Enjoy.</p>

{% endblock %}

Here is what we are saying here - the index.html will just look like base.html except that the block 'content' will be replaced with whatever we are putting in this file. This is called 'template inheritance'.

Do you see the power of this approach? Anything common to all pages on your blog - the headings, the footers, the navigation bars, the CSS etc. can now be placed inside base.html and the changes will reflect on all other pages so long as they 'extend' this base.html. So, no more messy multiple changes when you decide to change your layout or add a new navigation bar item.

Time to give this a spin. On your command line, say


Use your browser to visit and see your page in action! If you feel like, try making changes to your HTML files and see what happens.

Blog Posts

Now, how do you write a blog post and make it accessible from a URL? We shall tackle this now. Let's go to our and add the following lines.

from flask_flatpages import FlatPages


pages = FlatPages(app)

def page(path):
    page = pages.get_or_404(path)
    return render_template('page.html', page=page)

Let's dissect this carefully.

Phew! That's a lot. Let's dwelve a bit further. Let's temporarily modify our page() function to say

def page(path):
    print("Page function running")
    page = pages.get_or_404(path)
    return render_template('page.html', page=page)

We have just added a print() statement to understand the workflow. Now, in your browser type, you will get a 404 (Not Found) error. This is expected. But check out the terminal - the message "Page function running" should appear indicating that this function was correctly matched to the URL. But since the page did not exist, a 404 response was returned. So, let's fix that.

$ mkdir pages

Inside pages, create a file called and type the following

\\ blank line 
\\ blank line
# My First Blog

Here is some content for this blog. Written in Markdown.

- Bullet point 1
- Bullet point 2
- Bullet point 3

Note: The two blank lines at the top of the file are deliberate and needed. Don't type the \\ blank line part - but keep the lines empty at the top of the file.

And now, refresh our 404 exhibiting browser page. You should now get an error saying TemplateNotFound. This means it has found the correct entry in the pages object but was not able to find page.html file. So, here is the lesson - the way we have setup things, an attempt to visit /first.html on our site causes a search for first inside pages which in turn can exist only if pages/ exists. Remember .md is because we configured FLATPAGES_EXTENSION variable as .md.

It's easy to fix the TemplateNotFound error. Just create a page.html inside templates directory and type in the following.

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}

{{ page.html|safe }}

{% endblock %}

Most of this should be clear now except the page.html|safe. This is what's happening here.

Now, refresh our page in the browser again. And you should see your blog! Woohoo!

Blog Post Metadata

Actually, .md files are not pure Markdown files. They are special syntax files which contain Markdown. This is why we had to put two empty lines at the top. These two empty lines separate the metadata of the file from the actual content. So, what we will do now is to modify to read as follows.

title: My First Blog
date: 2020-02-23
category: general

Here is some content for this blog. Written in Markdown.

- Bullet point 1
- Bullet point 2
- Bullet point 3

Now, the three items - title, date and category are available as attributes of the page object inside the page.html template. We can modify the template to read as follows.

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}

<h1> {{ page.title }} </h1>
<small> Published on {{'%A, %d %B, %Y') }} </small>
{{ page.html|safe }}

{% endblock %}

See how we are now rendering the title of the blog using page.title. Also, notice that we using strftime function available with Python datetime objects for deciding how the date will be displayed. Below is a screenshot of what the blog page would look like at this stage.

Blog Post Example Image

Great! You can now creating, and whatever else suits your fancy inside the pages directory and access them using URLs such as /second.html, /third.html. And more. If you are like me and like to organize blogs in multiple categories, just create sub-folders inside pages directory and the URLs will change to /subfolder/first.html and so on.

Freezing Pages

What we have done so far is to have a web application that is running functions according to URLs and these functions are responsible for generating the pages. But as mentioned at the beginning of the tutorial, hosting this application can be tricky. What we want to do is to deploy plain HTML pages. The process of converting 'dynamic' pages (which are generated on the fly) into 'static' HTML pages is what we call 'freezing' here. Let's do this.

Add the following lines to at suitable places.

from flask_frozen import Freezer
from flask import url_for

freezer = Freezer(app)

def pagelist():
    for page in pages:
        yield url_for('page', path=page.path)

Replace the line with the following piece of code.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'build':
    else:'', port=5001)

Let's review the essential parts of this code.

To see the freezing in action, terminate the development server if running and type in the following command.

$ python build

Ignore the warnings that appear. Head to the build folder and you will find the HTML pages generated there! Job well done.

Publishing Your Blog

If you take all the files inside build and place them where the root folder of your site is configured, it's done - you have published your blog!

If you don't have a hosting server with a document root configured for you, here is what you can do

Visiting <yourUserName> should display your pages.

Bonus Material - A List of All Blog Posts

While not a part of the original goal laid out at the beginning, let us cover something which is obvious - having a list of all your posts displayed on the index.html page.

Change the index() function to the following:

def index():
    return render_template('index.html', pages=pages)

And add the following to your index.html.

<table border="2px">
    <td> Title </td>
    <td> Link </td>

  {% for page in pages %}
    <td> {{ page.title }}</td>
    <td> <a href="{{ page.path }}.html"> Read </a></td>
  {% endfor %}


What did we do?

Below is a screenshot of what the index page looks like, assuming a single blog post.

Index Page After Contents Table

Proceeding Further

There is much more hard work that needs to be done to achieve a fully functioning and ready to publish blog. Here is what I recommend as future course of action.

NOTE: The working source code for this entire tutorial is available at the following Github repository.
