When are APIs RESTful?

Friday, 01 June, 2018

(Warning: This post assumes you know your HTTP. Attempts to include an introduction to HTTP would have exploded the length of an already long post.)

For a long time, I have always been confused about whether I should be calling an API (Application Programming Interface) as a RESTful (REpresentation State Transfer) API or not. During the course of one of my projects, I was tasked with studying something known as the Virtual Solar Observatory standards, which allow people to share solar astronomy data in a standardized format. This way, multiple data centers around the world can share their data using different backends but it becomes possible for a single client to access it as if doing so from a single server.

The Virtual Solar Observatory standards require data centers to make their data available to the world through a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) service. Somewhere in the corner of their website, one can find exactly how this SOAP service should be designed i.e. what are the methods that should be supported, the format in which the input should be accepted and the format in which the output should be presented. If a solar observatory manages to present its data through such a service, then a client like SolarSoft in IDL can query you as well when its user searches for some data.

Anyway, the article is about REST APIs. The only reason I brought out the Virtual Solar observatory is because it was the first time I had to seriously study SOAP. And of course while studying SOAP, the word RESTful was encountered quite a number of times. The reason obviously is because RESTful and SOAP are means of designing web services which is what enables a program to communicate objects and data over the web. But the whole process of reading about SOAP and RESTful got me confused. And the question - what exactly qualifies a service to be RESTful? - continued to beg for a satisfactory answer. There were tutorials for SOAP and there were tutorials for RESTful but none went into the depth of trying to answer the above question.

One day, I was to participate in a discussion about RESTful services and I decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to read some literature (not an online tutorial) which explained what RESTful really means! This led me to find a book REST API by Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby. I had attempted to read this once before but circumstances somehow didn't give me the luxury of time. I personally feel the first few chapters of this book really help in clarification of the questioned raised by me.

I'm now going to attempt summarizing the difference between RESTful and non RESTful APIs in a crisp manner here. Essentially, try to do something in a few paragraphs the book has the luxury of doing in several pages.

We are going to start with a fictional situation. Consider that you wish to design or interact with a service that allows you to use a program to store, replace or delete an image from a web server. The service is called 'www.photostorage.com'. Every user is given a directory where they can store their photos. If your user name is 'loverboy1989' (takes you back to the Yahoo Chat room days, isn't it? And no, I never held any such IDs in case you are wondering!), your photos get stored in a location called www.photostorage.com/loverboy1989. So, a photo 'myvodkashot.jpg' is available as www.photostorage.com/loverboy1989/myvodakshot.jpg.

Now, any program which wishes to work with the above photograph must communicate over the web and hence must deliver HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) messages and receive HTTP responses. We will see that how they use HTTP is what determines whether a service is RESTful or not.

First Approach

In our first approach, which the authors of the book call the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) approach, we send out an HTTP message that looks like this.

POST /someLink HTTP/1.1
Host: www.photostorage.com
... header ends ...

(some complex way describing a method you wish to run and the
data, the image, you wish to upload)

Here, the link is a mere pointer to some link which the server side recognizes as a port where it expects RPCs to be sent. The entire action happens in the body of the HTTP message. Whether you wish to add a new image, retrieve an existing image, get the metadata for the existing image or you are replacing an image with a newer version, the first line and the header section of the HTTP message will remain largely unchained. Most changes happen in the body.

Second Approach

The second approach is described by the authors of the book as a hybrid system or approach. Here, I place the data to be transferred in the body of the message. But what I want the server to do with the data is captured in the URL.

GET /someLink?action=getMetadata&image=vodkashot.jpg&format=JSON HTTP/1.1
Host: www.photostorage.com
... header ends ...

(could be empty, could be the bytes representing the image)

Now, in this particular example, I seem to be asking the service to try and send me the metadata for an already existing image. If I were to ask for fetching a new image, I might replace the 'action' part of the above message with something like action=getImage, for example. So, compared to the first approach I am now no longer relying on complex messages embedded in a body. A RESTful API encourages the usage of HTTP method (or verbs) and URIs to convey the full meaning of the request being sent. In a sense, this HTTP message seems to be doing this but is still short of a full RESTful service request. Why?

Third Approach

In the previous example, the HTTP request's method or verb is not being utilized in conveying the intent of the request. The GET makes no sense in many cases. I am not GETting a resource from the server if the 'action' says things such getMetadata or replace or createNew. So, I will now substitute the 'action' with an appropriate choice of a HTTP verb. Next, I will allow the URI to refer to the resource, the image itself. I am still allowed to use query parameters if I need to but in this case we will not.

So, let's see the message for an attempt to create a new resource. Note that the same message works for replacing an existing image with a new image of the same name.

PUT /loverboy1989/vodkashot.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: www.photostorage.com

(image bytes)

The message for fetching this image,

GET /loverboy1989/vodkashot.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: www.photostorage.com

(empty body)

The message for getting the metadata about this image,

HEAD /loverboy1989/vodkashot.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: www.photostorage.com

(empty body)

The message for deleting this image,

DELETE /loverboy1989/vodkashot.jpg HTTP/1.1
Host: www.photostorage.com

(empty body)

See how a true RESTful API takes advantage of the HTTP's ability to have different methods or verbs in its request messages. I have come across resources and developers who seem to think the second approach is RESTful in nature and I was also among those who thought so. Yeah, if all the intent is being conveyed in the first line of the HTTP message, it is RESTful. Well, now we know that is not fully true. I hope these examples also clarify why if the only purpose of the service is to GET the data, your API ends up being RESTful without you not knowing what RESTful means (you will naturally use a GET request and it will be the only request needed).

Hope this helped the readers in understanding what a RESTful API means and looks like and perhaps also why these APIs are preferred. Corrections? Enhancements? Improvements? Hit the comment section below!
